Category Archives: You Lookin at me?

Taxi Drivers of NYC

Bryant Park Rainbow ( 100th Post !!! )

Bryant Park Rainbow
Bryant Park Rainbow

Welcome to the 100th Post at DustAndRust! In my first post on this blog back in the fall of 2005, I wrote :

“I don’t really know what direction this blog will take…”

I think the lack of any effort I have put into finding a direction has been well worth it 🙂 . Having the blog as an outlet for my hobby has really given me a lot of satisfaction over the past four years, and I still look forward to capturing the next image that I think is worthy to share. I’d like to thank everyone who has come to look at my humble efforts, with a special “thank you” to everyone that has left a comment.

It’s been very interesting to watch the blog grow in the wilds of the inter-tubes. In the first month of the blogs life, I had 86 unique visitors, and just under 1000 page views. A good portion of those page views was probably due to me tweaking the layout. In March of this year, I had 9558 unique visitors, and over 40,000 page views. The biggest source of traffic has been Google Image Search, which drives almost exactly 50% of the visitors here.

I don’t have any major plans to change anything I’m doing here. As I’ve mentioned before, I will be offering B&W prints for sale in the near future… but for the most part the blog remains the same.

I’m looking forward to the next 100 posts. I hope I can get them here faster than the first 100.

Thanks for stopping by!


“You Lookin at me?” – Series 1

Welcome to my new series called “You Lookin at me?”. Always looking for things to photograph on my walk to work… I decided I wanted to take more people shots. I have chosen every New Yorkers favorite creature of the street… the Taxi Driver. My first attempt netted 5 shots. It’s not easy to get a clear view into these yellow chariots of Gotham. The window needs to be rolled down, there needs to be some light on their face, and I need them to look my way before the light turns green. I’ll be posting all of the decent shots here, and at some point I’ll whittle them down to a “Best of You Lookin at Me”. Images 2 and 4 are my favorites of this bunch. Enjoy!

You Lookin at me? #1
You Lookin at me? #1

You Lookin at me? #2
You Lookin at me? #2

You Lookin at me? #3
You Lookin at me? #3

You Lookin at me? #4
You Lookin at me? #4

You Lookin at me? #5
You Lookin at me? #5