Just a quick shot from my walk to work. The photo was taken near the skating rink at Bryant Park.
Category Archives: Photography
My Hobby
Red White and Blue
I took this picture while walking home a few nights before the election. Normally, Rockefeller Center has flags from the UN member countries flying over the plaza, but running up to the election, they replaced them with US flags.
I’m still shooting with the Canon G9 on and off. I go in phases between carrying the D200 every day, or the G9 when my bag is getting overweight. I’ve also been trying out the latest version of Adobe Lightroom. If you are a Lightroom 2.1 user, you need to check out the new Camera Raw Beta 2 Profiles. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in the out of the box colors with these profiles and the Nikon D200. The G9 has a new profile also, but the improvement is not as drastic. I’ve been shooting “raw only” for years now, and it is really worth it when you see drastic improvements to a raw processor such as this.
Red Light on Blue Wall
There is a school of photography called “Miksang”. The image above is my interpretation of a Miksang photo. When I took the photo, I didn’t see anything but the wall, the light, and the contrasting colors. After working with the photo, I can see several abstract interpretations of the scene… probably from staring at it so long. But thats not the point. The point is, there is nothing here other than what I saw… a red light on a blue wall. I’m not making a deep statement about life, or trying to sell you something. It is what it is… nothing more… nothing less.