Category Archives: New York City

Where I work

Half There

Half There

I’ve been reading “Dancing Wu Li Masters” on the train. It talks about the history and concepts of Quantum Physics, without getting too deep into the math. Am i here? Does here exist? Am I rich and famous in one universe, and dead in another? Maybe I’m half here.

Channel Garden Fountains, Rockefeller Center

Channel Garden Fountains, Rockefeller Center

Channel Garden Fountains, Rockefeller Center

The small Cherry Blossom trees are in bloom, and there was a mist rising from the fountain. In the background, you can see Prometheus, and the “Electric Fountain”.

I’m really enjoying the Canon G9. I find myself shooting (and posting) more often. This shot was taken hand-held, using the G9’s built in ND filter to get the cliché cloudy water effect. The picture has some motion blur, but it’s not too bad considering it was a 1 second exposure. The image stabilization on the camera is good, but it can’t work miracles. I am thinking about getting an Optech Strap for the camera. I have the Pro version on my D200, and I like it alot. You can remove the middle part of the strap, and connect the 2 end loops attached to the camera, creating a decent hand strap. I’m hoping i can get the hand held shots a little sharper by pulling the camera out against the strap.