Category Archives: Blog

Thinking Inside the Box

Thinking Inside the Box
Thinking Inside the Box

While not as extreme as the Cardboard Office, my friend/co-worker Mike was trying to come with ideas for gaining some privacy in our temporary office space. I’ve resorted to a pair of Sennheiser EH-150’s to block out the world… but his approach does a better job of getting the point across. On the technical side, the photo was taken with my iPhone… not my first choice in photographic tools, but it’s always there when a quick snap is needed. The crappy lens adds a nice soft glow to the image.

50th Anniversary at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

I had to make my yearly visit to the Aerodrome a little earlier than usual. I usually go to the last show of the season when the foliage is nearing peak color, but had to settle on late September.  The weather was perfect, and we had a great day. Unfortunately, the Biplane rides were canceled due to ongoing maintenance… but they should be flying again by now. Notably absent from the show was the Flying Farmer (Stanley Segalla), who retired last year. I was very happy to see the Sopwith Camel out on the field for an engine run-up. It has been out of the show for a few years, and it should be returning to the air next season to battle the Black Baron. Congratulations to the Aerodrome folks for keeping the show going… I hope to attend at least one show a year for the next 50 seasons 🙂

Old Rhinebeck Sopwith Camel
Sopwith Camel