Bryant Park Rainbow ( 100th Post !!! )

Bryant Park Rainbow
Bryant Park Rainbow

Welcome to the 100th Post at DustAndRust! In my first post on this blog back in the fall of 2005, I wrote :

“I don’t really know what direction this blog will take…”

I think the lack of any effort I have put into finding a direction has been well worth it 🙂 . Having the blog as an outlet for my hobby has really given me a lot of satisfaction over the past four years, and I still look forward to capturing the next image that I think is worthy to share. I’d like to thank everyone who has come to look at my humble efforts, with a special “thank you” to everyone that has left a comment.

It’s been very interesting to watch the blog grow in the wilds of the inter-tubes. In the first month of the blogs life, I had 86 unique visitors, and just under 1000 page views. A good portion of those page views was probably due to me tweaking the layout. In March of this year, I had 9558 unique visitors, and over 40,000 page views. The biggest source of traffic has been Google Image Search, which drives almost exactly 50% of the visitors here.

I don’t have any major plans to change anything I’m doing here. As I’ve mentioned before, I will be offering B&W prints for sale in the near future… but for the most part the blog remains the same.

I’m looking forward to the next 100 posts. I hope I can get them here faster than the first 100.

Thanks for stopping by!


6 thoughts on “Bryant Park Rainbow ( 100th Post !!! )”

  1. Hi Sean, What a great shot that is. I very much like your pictures from NYC. Great work. I have been in NY once and I love your city. I have been listening to Lou Reed a lot over the years and I also mistook the lines for beeing …always back to the rain. I am still singing that lines in my head when it rains. And we get a lot of rain in Copenhagen, Denmark these days. If you want to look at some of my work please feel free to look at my site on Best wishes Karsten from Denmark.

  2. I found your blog while searching for widgetbucks. Nice picture you have and also nice blog. I enjoy looking at your picture, but I really dont know what technique you use to take those picture. Lastly congratulation on your blog growing. Keep the good work

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