Looking Back – Skateboarders getting high

These photos were taken back in March of 2004. I was taking a class at the New York Open Center, and I had an assignment called “Movement”. I decided to go to the South Street Seaport to take some shots, and I came across these guys skateboarding behind the shops and restaurants. Their skills seemed a step above those of the average skateboarder I’ve seen… they were catching some incredible air.

Skateboarder, NYC South Street Seaport
Skateboarder, NYC South Street Seaport
Skateboarder, NYC South Street Seaport
Skateboarder, NYC South Street Seaport
Skateboarder, NYC South Street Seaport

14 thoughts on “Looking Back – Skateboarders getting high”

  1. Hi!!
    I’m Paula, I am skater, I’m from Catamarca Argentina, this photos are fantastic, bye bye, I love skating with my friends, bye and e-mail me soon!!

  2. Very impressive photography skills there! Very clear pictures with high resolution! Although I don’t really skate that much but I am really impress by the pictures taken! I will let my friends know about, they are skate boarding experts.

  3. Great pictures to say the least, at first I thought the title of the post was referring to something else haha. Good job though for sure, you’ve successfully praised the art of skateboarding. 🙂


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