Camera: Nikon D200 Lens: 28-105 with 6T filter F/8 1/40th sec ISO 400
One lens I like to ‘take everywhere’ is the Nikon 28-105 AF-D. I purchased this lens back in my film days, and continue to use it alot with my digital bodies. This lens features a ‘close up mode’ that gets you to 1/2 life size on the image sensor. I also use a Nikon 6T close up filter. Apparently this filter has been in short supply lately, but at $50 it is a real bargin. The quality of the images with this filter is excellent. It gets soft at the edges, but the results are still impressive. The photo above is of a dead Hitachi Microdrive removed from an ipod. Here is a 640×480 crop from the original image :

Micro Drive Close Up
The tiny platter from the microdrive is about the size of a quarter. It has a highly polished reflective surface that makes an excellent mirror. The flowers below were about 1.5 feet from the microdrive. The D200 had no trouble focusing on the tiny reflection on the platter:

Camera: Nikon D200 Lens: 28-105 with 6T filter F/7.1 1/50th sec ISO 400
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