Nikon D200, 28-105mm@105mm, f/10 1/640, ISO 200
There is a new building going up on 6th Ave. between 42nd and 43rd. I caught this construction worker doing his thing, and then he caught me doing mine. At first I thought he was working without a net, then I noticed a saftey line clipped to his back. WiredNewYork has some interesting background on this project and others.

Nikon D200, 28-105mm@105mm, f/10 1/320, ISO 200
Hello! I was searching for a good picture on google to use for my article and I found your site. I hope it’s ok to use your first photo above? Credit link is given where credit is due. 🙂
Thanks a lot and hope you can drop by to check if it’s alright.
Thanks for asking, and the link back to the site if perfect.